Welcome to e-Invoice System.


  • 18 July 2024
  • Interoperable services of eInvoice & E Way Bill.Click here for the API details
  • 20 May 2023
  • New changes are deployed in the sandbox for testing.May click here for more details.
  • 08 May 2023
  • It is to inform you that implementation of Time limit for reporting invoices on the IRP Portal (Not allowing to report invoices older than 7 days on the date of reporting) has been deferred by the government for three months.
  • 17 Apr 2023

    Time limit for Reporting Invoices on the IRP Portal for taxpayers with AATO greater than or equal to Rs 100 Crores.

  • 23 Feb 2023
  • New public key for sandbox Verification of signed content is available for download. Please login to download the same
  • 30 Jan 2023
  • Updates in validations.
  • 28 July 2022
  • Tax payers with turnover above Rs. 5 Cr are enabled for testing on Sandbox.
  • 18 July 2022
  • Tax payers with turnover between Rs. 10 Cr and Rs. 20 Cr are enabled for testing on Sandbox.
  • 03 March 2022
  • Tax payers with turnover between Rs. 20 Cr and Rs. 50 Cr are enabled for testing on Sandbox.
  • 24 June 2021
  • Changes made in IRN generation. Refer to Relese Notes
  • 06 April 2021
  • New version of APIs for eivital and some validations updated in eicore and eiewb APIs. For details, visit release notes page
  • 17 February 2021
  • Tax payers with turnover between Rs. 50 Cr and Rs. 100 Cr are enabled for testing on Sandbox.
  • 30 December 2020
  • As per the notification dated 22 December 2020, No. 94 /2020. the validity period of e-waybill is changed from 100 KM per day to 200 KM per day.
  • 16 December 2020
  • Generation of E-way Bills by Transporters for e-invoices. Please click here for more details.
  • 27 November 2020
  • Release Notes dated 21/11/2020 has been updated on 27/11/2020 with Info Details provided in the response. Please see the release notes for more details.
  • 21 November 2020
  • New APIs & existing APIs with improved validations have been released. Please see the release notes and latest validations.
  • 29 October 2020
  • e-Invoice System is enabled on Trial sites( for APIs & Offline tools) for taxpayers with PAN based turnover more than Rs. 100 Cr. in a financial year (https://einv-apisandbox.nic.in ) ,    (https://einvoice1-trial.nic.in).

API Specifications

Vital API's


Get GSTIN Details

Current Version (v1.04)


Sync GSTIN Details from CP

Current Version (v1.04)


Test with following GSTINs:
33GSPTN1882G1Z3, 27GSPMH1881G1ZH, 27GSPMH1882G1ZG, 33GSPTN3381G1Z5, 33GSPTN3382G1Z4, 27GSPMH3381G1ZI

Core API's

Generate IRN

Cancel IRN

Get IRN Details

Current Version (v1.03)

Get IRN details by Doc. Details

Current Version (v1.03)

Get-Rejected IRNs Details

Current Version (v1.03)

E-Waybill API's

Generate e-Way Bill by IRN

Cancel E-way Bill

Get e-Waybill Details by IRN

Current Version (v1.03)

Health API

Current Version (v1.03)