Mapping of E-way bill schema with API (IRN) schema

Ewaybill Attribute IRN Attribute Description Remarks
supplyType NA Supply Type supplyType of e-waybill generated for IRN is always 'O' - Outward
subSupplyType NA Sub Supply Type subSupplyType = '3'(Export) when TranDtls.SupTyp is EXPWOP/EXPWP, subSupplyType = '1'(Supply) otherwise
subSupplyDesc NA Not Applicable
transactionType NA Transaction type transaction type = 1(Regular), if Dispatch-from and Ship-to details are not provided, transaction type = 2(Ship to), if only Ship-to details are provided, transaction type = 3(Dispatch from), if only Dispatch-from details are provided , transaction type = 4(Combination), if both Dispatch-from and Ship-to details are provided
docType DocDtls.Typ Document Type Applicable only for INV(Invoice) in e Invoice
docNo DocDtls.No Document Number
docDate DocDtls.Dt Document Date
fromGstin SellerDtls.Gstin From GSTIN (Supplier or Consignor )
fromTrdName SellerDtls.TrdNm From Trade Name (Consignor Trade name)
fromAddr1 SellerDtls.Addr1 or DispDtls.Addr1 From Address Line 1, If Dispatch details are not available, Seller details will be assigned
fromAddr2 SellerDtls.Addr2 or DispDtls.Addr2 From Address Line 2 If Dispatch details are not available, Seller details will be assigned
fromPlace SellerDtls.Loc or DispDtls.Loc From Place If Dispatch details are not available, Seller details will be assigned
fromPincode SellerDtls.Pin or DispDtls.Pin From Pincode If Dispatch details are not available, Seller details will be assigned
fromStateCode SellerDtls.Stcd From State Code
actFromStateCode DispDtls.Stcd Actual From State Code Dispatch from state code, if dispatch details are not available, then seller state code will be assigned
toGstin BuyerDtls.Gstin To GSTIN (Consignee or Recipient)
toTrdName BuyerDtls.TrdNm To Trade Name (Consignee Trade name or Recipient Trade name)
toAddr1 BuyerDtls.Addr1 or ShipDtls.Addr1 To Address Line 1 If Ship details are not available, Buyer details will be assigned
toAddr2 BuyerDtls.Addr2 or ShipDtls.Addr2 To Address Line 2 If Ship details are not available, Buyer details will be assigned
toPlace BuyerDtls.Loc or ShipDtls.Loc To Place If Ship details are not available, Buyer details will be assigned
toPincode BuyerDtls.Pin or ShipDtls.Pin To Pincode If Ship details are not available, Buyer details will be assigned
toStateCode BuyerDtls.Stcd To State Code
actToStateCode ShipDtls.Stcd Actual To State Code Ship to state code, if ship details are not available, then buyer state code will be assigned
First 250 items from Invoice will be mapped in e-Way Bill
productName NA Since it is an optional field, no value will be stored in product name
productDesc Item.PrdDesc Product / Item description First 100 characters of Item.PrdDesc will be stored in e-WayBill
hsnCode Item.HsnCd HSN Code
quantity Item.Qty Quantity Assigned to E Way Bill if within the allowed range as per E Way Bill
qtyUnit Item.Unit Unit
taxableAmount Item.AssAmt Taxable Amount
sgstRate Item.GstRt/2 SGST Rate of Tax sgstRate = (Item.GstRt/2)
cgstRate Item.GstRt/2 CGST Rate of Tax cgstRate = (Item.GstRt/2)
igstRate Item.GstRt IGST Rate of Tax igstRate = Item.GstRt
cessRate Item.CesRt Cess Rate of Tax
cessNonadvol 0  
totalValue ValDtls.AssVal Sum of Taxable value
cgstValue ValDtls.CgstVal CGST value
sgstValue ValDtls.SgstVal SGST value
igstValue ValDtls.IgstVal IGST value
cessValue ValDtls.CesVal Cess Value cessValue of E Way Bill is assigned with the sum of cess and cessNonAdvol at item level
cessNonAdvolValue 0
otherValue ValDtls.OthChrg + ValDtls.StCesVal - ValDtls.Dsicount+ ValDtls.RndOffAmt Other charges, if any (At item level as well as Invoice level) ValDtls.StCesVal includes StateCesAmt and StateCesNonAdvlAmt at item level
totInvValue ValDtls.TotInvVal Total Invoice Value
transMode EwbDtls.TransMode Mode of transport (Road-1, Rail-2, Air-3, Ship-4)
transDistance EwbDtls.Distance Distance
transporterName EwbDtls.TransName Name of the transporter
transporterId EwbDtls.TransId 15 Digit Transporter GSTIN/TRANSID
transDocNo EwbDtls.TransDocNo Transport Document Number
transDocDate EwbDtls.TransDocDt Transport Document Date
vehicleNo EwbDtls.VehNo Vehicle Number
vehicleType EwbDtls.VehType Vehicle Type